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Host City: València
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02/10/2023 08:30
MOm - RE
Mon, 02/10/2023
08:30 - 09:45
MOm - RE
02/10/2023 09:45
MOm - OP
Welcome & Opening ceremony
Mon, 02/10/2023
09:45 - 10:15
Salón de Actos
MOm - OP
02/10/2023 10:15
MOm - PL1
Plenary Session I - Girma Bitsuamlak
Chaired by:
Prof. Roland Wüchner
(Technische Universität Braunschweig)
Mon, 02/10/2023
10:15 - 11:00
Salón de Actos
MOm - PL1
Recent experimental and computational advances to assess wind effects on flexible structures
02/10/2023 11:00
Coffee Break
Mon, 02/10/2023
11:00 - 11:30
02/10/2023 11:30
- IS01 Detailing – Adaptive and Retractable
Chaired by:
Mr. Christoph Paech
(schlaich bergermann partner - sbp)
Mon, 02/10/2023
11:30 - 13:00
Salón de Actos
A folding cover on the Suzanne Lenglen court, Roland-Garros, Paris
S. Aubry
Customised Fibre Panels: A New Tool for Architectural Applications
L. Blandini
Urban retractable roofs
N. Kugel
Experiences after 10 Years of Operation and Maintenance of the Retractable Roof at BC Place
F. Weller
N. Montpetit
Drive system innovation – winch development for moveable membrane structure
M. Jenni
Technical evolution of a convertible pool roof on three expedition cruise ships for the shipping company Hapag Lloyd
A. Hub
A. Rein
02/10/2023 11:30
- IS11 Fluid-structure Interaction and Wind Engineering
Chaired by:
Prof. Roland Wüchner
(Technische Universität Braunschweig)
Mon, 02/10/2023
11:30 - 13:00
A 10
Towards Embedded Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations Based on CAD-Integrated Thin-Walled Structures
R. Aristio
R. Wüchner
Investigating wind loading for standardizing purposes on representative double-curved freestanding membrane roof canopies
G. Martínez-López
A. Kodakkal
M. Péntek
K. Sautter
A. Goldbach
K. Bletzinger
The effect of prestress levels and of geometric scale on the aeroelastic behaviour of double-curved membrane roofs
A. Kodakkal
G. Martínez-López
M. Péntek
K. Sautter
A. Goldbach
K. Bletzinger
Short-term Prediction of Wind Speed based on Frequency Decomposition and ANN
B. Yang
H. Zhu
Q. Zhang
J. Qiu
R. Wüchner
A Numerical Technique for Modelling Hypersonic Inflatable Shields
V. Orlandini
R. Paciorri
A. Assonitis
F. Saltari
F. Mastroddi
A. Bonfiglioli
02/10/2023 13:00
Lunch Break
Mon, 02/10/2023
13:00 - 14:15
02/10/2023 14:15
MOa - PL2
Plenary Session II Kai-Uwe Bletzinger + AMA Awards
Chaired by:
Prof. Eugenio Oñate
Mon, 02/10/2023
14:15 - 15:15
Salón de Actos
MOa - PL2
50 Years of Form Finding by the Force Density Method
02/10/2023 15:15
Coffee Break
Mon, 02/10/2023
15:15 - 15:45
02/10/2023 15:45
- IS02 Detailing – Case Studies – Installation Process
Chaired by:
Prof. Günther H. Filz
( A"SA, Aalto University, Finland // LSU, LightweightStructures Unit, Universität Innsbruck, Austria)
Prof. Josep Ignasi de LLORENS DURAN
(UPC, School of Architecture, Barcelona, Spain)
Mon, 02/10/2023
15:45 - 17:45
Salón de Actos
Designing A Large Span Structures Under Seismic Loading – A Case Study
Design and installation of a large pneumatic dome in Brazil
R. Pauletti
C. Bauer
Case Study: Santiago Bernabéu Stadium
K. Bernert
Detailing of Tensile Architecture and the Adoration of the Joint
N. Goldsmith
PumpItUp, gite mobile for the European cultural capital Esch-sur-Alzette
B. Stimpfle
Creating a meeting space for people – a new roof for the SMS Campus in Mönchengladbach, Germany
T. Hermeking
Unusual design drivers for membrane structures and details
G. Ramírez Lares
G. Filz
Medijana-Niš Archeological Site Protection Structure
A. Vučur
G. Filz
02/10/2023 15:45
- IS03 Energetic Issues / IS09 Circularity
Chaired by:
Prof. Jianhui Hu
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Prof. Carol Monticelli
(Politecnico di Milano)
Mon, 02/10/2023
15:45 - 17:45
A 10
Thermal Performance of Membrane Structures Integrated Phase Change Materials
J. Zhou
J. Hu
W. Chen
Experimental investigations on Structural Behaviour of Two-layer-stacked ETFE film Square Planar Structure Under Normal Pressure Loading
W. Chen
X. Zhao
J. Cai
H. Wang
G. Han
Assessing the life cycle of temporary membrane structures based on two case studies
Z. Eryuruk
M. Mollaert
L. De Laet
D. Van Hemelrijck
Re-manufacturing textiles within circular economy: trials of closing the loops of Textile-based Tertiary Architecture
A. Zanelli
C. Monticelli
HydroSKIN: Climate-resilient Membrane Façade Prototyping
C. Eisenbarth
W. Haase
L. Blandini
W. Sobek
Life Cycle Assessment of Building ETFE Cushion for Circular Economy
Q. Li
C. Monticelli
A. Zanelli
Optimization of the design phase and the End of Life scenarios of Textile Façade Retrofit interventions
G. Procaccini
Revaluation of recycled reinforcement fibers through innovative textile technologies for developing new thermoplastic composites
I. Domenech
02/10/2023 18:00
Welcome Reception
Mon, 02/10/2023
18:00 - 19:00
03/10/2023 09:00
TUm - PL3
Plenary Session III - Carol Monticelli
Chaired by:
Ms. Katja Bernert
(Mehler Texnologies GmbH)
Tue, 03/10/2023
09:00 - 10:00
Salón de Actos
TUm - PL3
Thinking to close the loop in membrane architecture
03/10/2023 10:00
TUm - PL4
Plenary Session IV - Pierluigi D'Accunto
Chaired by:
Ms. Katja Bernert
(Mehler Texnologies GmbH)
Tue, 03/10/2023
10:00 - 11:00
Salón de Actos
TUm - PL4
Form-finding of lightweight tension-compression structures with equilibrium-based graphical methods
03/10/2023 11:00
Coffee Break
Tue, 03/10/2023
11:00 - 11:30
03/10/2023 11:30
- IS07 Structural and Motion Planning / Applications
Chaired by:
Dr. Sudarshan Krishnan
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Mr. David Campbell
(Geiger Engineers)
Tue, 03/10/2023
11:30 - 13:00
Salón de Actos
Operational Planning and Design Issues for Retractable Membrane Roofs
D. Campbell
Similar design of retractable roof in two different sizes – identical motion planning?
M. Jenni
move it and fold it!
C. Paech
Development of Air-inflated Lifting Equipment
K. Hincz
Structural Membrane of Levante Stadium Cable Roof
E. Montes
A. Solar
I. Sanchez
J. Llarena
A. Bilbao
Main Canopy of Islamic Complex, Putrajaya, Malaysia – A Testimony to Excellent Performance of PTFE Membrane under Tropical Climate
M. Sing
K. Choong
A. Che Malid
C. Ng
03/10/2023 11:30
- IS08 Membranes and Energy Harvesting
Chaired by:
Prof. Rosemarie Wagner
Tue, 03/10/2023
11:30 - 13:00
A 10
Large Span Membrane Architecture: How to Accomplish Carbon Neutral with Innovative Photovoltaic and Adaptive Control Strategy
Y. Yan
W. Chen
J. Hu
R. Wagner
Self-cooling textiles – energy-free method using radiative cooling technology
L. Zimmermann
C. Kaya
T. Stegmaier
G. Gresser
Floating membrane roofs for large zootechnic and industrial storage tanks
P. Beccarelli
R. Maffei
A. Giordano
F. Natta
Thermodynamic and structural Behaviour of textile Covers for Biogas Storage Systems
K. Heinlein
R. Wagner
Membrane attached Photovoltaics
L. Tippmann
03/10/2023 13:00
Lunch Break
Tue, 03/10/2023
13:00 - 14:15
03/10/2023 14:15
TUa - PL5
Plenary Session V -Qilin Zhang + EIC Projects
Chaired by:
Mr. Riccardo Rossi
Tue, 03/10/2023
14:15 - 15:15
Salón de Actos
TUa - PL5
Experiment and SHM on the membrane structure of Shanghai Kunshan Football Stadium
03/10/2023 15:15
Coffee Break
Tue, 03/10/2023
15:15 - 15:45
03/10/2023 15:45
- IS10 Parametric Design of Tensile and Membrane Structures
Chaired by:
Dr. Kazuki Hayashi
(Kyoto University)
Tue, 03/10/2023
15:45 - 17:15
Salón de Actos
Dancing Tent: Computational Structural Modeling and Choreographic Approach for the Kinetic Design of a Tent Structure
I. Rian
K. Nguyen
Mean curvature flow for generating triangular meshes with piecewise constant mean curvatures
K. Hayashi
Y. Jikumaru
M. Ohsaki
T. Kagaya
Y. Yokosuka
BATS - A software for the parametric design of membrane structures
M. Souza
R. Pauletti
Simulation Calibration Of Differentiated Knitted Membranes With Evolutionary Optimisation Tools
Y. Sinke
M. Tamke
M. Ramsgaard Thomsen
03/10/2023 15:45
- IS06 New Findings and Products
Chaired by:
Prof. Karsten Moritz
(IMS BAUHAUS Archineer Institutes e.V.)
Tue, 03/10/2023
15:45 - 17:15
A 10
Practical implementation of a thermo visco elastic material model for the design and analysis of ETFE structures
A. Cabello
A. Bown
On the long-term behavior of ETFE foils - evaluation of monoaxial creep tests after one hundred thousand hours
K. Moritz
G. Müller
F. Goecke
Failure of ETFE Film Membrane
D. Karádi
D. Hegyi
Tensile Behaviour of ETFE Foils with Various Types of Area Weld Seams
D. Runge
J. Uhlemann
N. Stranghöner
The Determination of the Mechanical Performance of Membrane Structures in Architectural Applications
C. Maywald
T. Balster
Comparative Assessment Of Life Cycle Aspects Of Lightweight And Conventional Structures And Their Integration Into An Educational Approach
H. Boegner-Balz
S. Von der Weth
K. Moritz
03/10/2023 18:00
Social programme + Conference banquet
Tue, 03/10/2023
18:00 - 23:00
04/10/2023 09:00
WEm - PL6
Plenary Session VI - Paolo Beccarelli
Chaired by:
Dr. Kai-Uwe Bletzinger
(Technische Universität München, Germany)
Wed, 04/10/2023
09:00 - 09:45
Salón de Actos
WEm - PL6
The Evolution in the Design Tools for Membrane Structures
04/10/2023 09:45
- IS04 Numerical Methods and Modeling (I)
Chaired by:
Dr. Ann-Kathrin Goldbach
(Technical University Munich)
Wed, 04/10/2023
09:45 - 11:00
Salón de Actos
The calculation of equidistant cable-nets
J. Holl
P. Singer
Enhanced design and modelling productivity with Parametric design
H. Nawaz
Does the stress-strain behaviour of PTFE-coated glass fibre fabrics depend on the load history?
J. Uhlemann
N. Stranghöner
Design and Construction of an Asymptotic Geodesic Timber Gridshell
E. Schling
Z. Wan
P. D'Acunto
Correlation between uniaxial and biaxial creep behaviour of ETFE foils
F. Surholt
J. Uhlemann
N. Stranghöner
04/10/2023 09:45
- IS05 The Application of Membranes For: Tensairity, ETFE…
Chaired by:
Dr. Arno Pronk
(Eindhoven University of Technology)
Wed, 04/10/2023
09:45 - 11:00
A 10
Buoycrete, a light-weight concrete in combination with a membrane mold
A. pronk
G. Visch
Experimental Study on Precise Forming of Inflated Membrane Structure Using Airship Membrane Material
S. Shen
Y. Pang
J. Gong
G. Qiu
Thermomechanical characterisation and linear viscoelastic modelling of ETFE membranes
A. Comitti
F. Bosi
An Analytical Method for Precise Forming of Membrane Structure Considering the Spindle Direction of Membrane Material
Y. Pang
S. Shen
G. Qiu
J. Gong
04/10/2023 11:00
Coffee Break
Wed, 04/10/2023
11:00 - 11:30
04/10/2023 11:30
- IS04 Numerical Methods and Modeling (II)
Chaired by:
Dr. Ann-Kathrin Goldbach
(Technical University Munich)
Wed, 04/10/2023
11:30 - 13:00
Salón de Actos
Shape-adaptive Climate Loading of Tensile Surface Structures
Z. Zajac
R. Lang
I. Němec
Computational sensitivity analysis of hybrid lightweight structures
M. Fußeder
T. Oberbichler
K. Bletzinger
Tracing non-linearities in the load bearing behavior of structural membranes: an investigation of typical shapes and load cases
A. Goldbach
K. Bletzinger
Shaping Steel Grid Shells by Applying a Visual Programming Language
J. Dzwierzynska
A new numerical model for deployment process of inflatable aerodynamic decelerator based on the reverse modelling technique and control volume method
Q. Lei
X. Wang
Y. He
H. Yang
04/10/2023 11:30
Design Methods / Climate Impact / Materials
Chaired by:
Prof. Eike Schling
(Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Wed, 04/10/2023
11:30 - 13:00
A 10
Beyond bending: tension. Membrane structures II
J. Llorens
Between Structure and Architecture
ATLAS architectural membrane as a core element for larger and energy efficient air domes
A. Sonnenberg
Architecture for pigs
M. Durka
Plektotonik - Structural textile membrane from fast growing and formable trees (SRC)
N. Miodragovic
D. Suarez
N. Singer
T. Kendir
K. Wolff
04/10/2023 13:00
Wed, 04/10/2023
13:00 - 13:15
Salón de Actos
04/10/2023 13:15
Lunch Break
Wed, 04/10/2023
13:15 - 14:30
04/10/2023 15:00
Social programme (Technical Visit)
Wed, 04/10/2023
15:00 - 17:00
Organizers and Committes
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Honorary Committe
Local Organizing Committee
Scientific Committee
Supporting Organizations
Plenary Lecturers
Conference Topics
Invited Sessions
Programme Overview
Programme Search
Social Programme
Welcome and Banquet Dinner
Parroquia San Nicolás
Technical Visit
Practical Information
Secretariat Timetable
Social Events
Internet Connection
Call for Abstracts
Important Dates
Registration Fees
Conference Venue
Host City: València
SCIPEDIA Collection (proceedings)
Photo Gallery
1st day
2nd day
3rd day
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