Thermal Performance of Membrane Structures Integrated Phase Change Materials

  • Zhou, Jinghang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
  • Hu, Jianhui (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
  • Chen, Wujun (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

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The membrane structures, one of the typical larges-span spatial structures, have been widely-used for sports stadiums and transportation hubs [1]. However, the thermal performance of architectural membrane material is not as good as those of the traditional building materials, meaning that only considering the membrane material thermal resistance to reduce external temperature and radiation effect on the interior environment is not enough. Moreover, using the membrane structure as the building envelope is not easy to maintain the comfort of internal thermal environment [2]. The phase change material can absorb and release latent heat by changing its states within a very small range of temperature change, and thus reducing indoor temperature fluctuation and improving thermal comfort [3]. In this paper, we proposed several membrane structural types to improve the thermal performance, including changing the one-layer membrane structure into two-layer, and setting air or phase change materials as the insulation layer in the middle. A temperature field simulation is performed based on COMSOL software to investigate the temperature variation and thermal performance of the membrane structure under different boundary conditions. The research results are believed to be significant for energy-saving and CO2 emission reduction in large public buildings.