Architecture for pigs

  • Durka, maxime (SIOEN)

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In 2022, the biogas and biomethane sector has seen unprecedented development amidst much unrest and uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 crisis. The European Union's recovery has been hampered by energy insecurity and supply chain disruptions, putting pressure on the EU's climate mitigation targets. Despite progress in the use of renewable energies, the EU is still far from being carbon neutral and fully decarbonizing its activities. Biogas and biomethane are sustainable, on-demand and flexible energy sources that provide multiple socio-economic and environmental benefits across the value chain, making their utilization crucial in expediting the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in several sectors such as agriculture, buildings, industry, and transport. Biogas and biomethane can directly replace natural gas, reducing exposure to volatile prices, and improving overall energy security. With the development of biogas production plants, coated textile membranes have been proven to be a performing solution for gas barrier and flexible roof design. In this context the lecture will focus on the use of coated textiles as flexible roofs of anaerobic digesters offers a number of advantages, including durability, flexibility, chemical resistance, thermal stability, gas permeability, UV resistance and lightweight. Mastering the technical properties and proper execution of membrane roofs ensure the development of performing biogas digesters and gas holders.