Main Canopy of Islamic Complex, Putrajaya, Malaysia – A Testimony to Excellent Performance of PTFE Membrane under Tropical Climate

  • Sing, Migico (Tensioned Fabric Structures Sdn Bhd)
  • Choong, Kok Keong (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
  • Che Malid, Azri Hariz (Tensioned Fabric Structures Sdn Bhd)
  • Ng, Chong Kiat (Tensioned Fabric Structures Sdn Bhd)

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Membrane is known to possess high tensile strength. Together with its lightweightness, it can be used in structure spanning large column free space. Membrane should also be durable in order that the surface appearance right after completion of construction is maintained during its life span. This maintenance of surface appearance is especially important for membrane structure which serves as landmark for a public space. This paper describes a landmark membrane structure where the surface appearance has been able to be maintained after years in service. The membrane structure is the main canopy structure located at the courtyard of Islamic Complex, Putrajaya, Malaysia. It is made using PTFE membrane which is known for its excellent durability. The plan size of this membrane structure is approximately 27 m × 38 m while the height is approximately 26 m. The overall shape of the main canopy structure resembles a funnel supported by a single layer space frame. It is located between two building blocks of Islamic Complex. The construction process of the main canopy together with the mini canopy which consists of a group of four funnel-shape membrane structure made using PVDF membrane each measuring 8.4 m × 8.4 m × 6.75 m (height) will be presented in this paper. Challenges faced and solution adopted will be highlighted. The paper will also touch on the performance of PTFE membrane in humid tropical weather condition like Malaysia.